Hello & welcome to the last official Here We Are post! After over 11 years of blogging from the HWA platform, it's time for my journey to take a different better, brighter, easier path. That threshold has always been the first consideration in creating all that you have read, listened to, and watched over... Read more →
With all the confusion about the new General Data Protection Regulation as to what needs to be done, I'm reiterating the privacy policy for both Here We Are (HWA), and the e-commerce site, Better Brighter Easier(BBE). As per the Terms of Use for LUCIMAC Productions (the parent company of HWA & BBE) for both... Read more →
Article UPDATE April 9, 2018: The newsletter is here! Please read all about it below, and you can see it for yourself in the first volume, Spring Has Sprung & So Has The Better Brighter Easier Newsletter! Please subscribe this month if you like what you see so that you will be included in... Read more →
Ahhh, February, the traditional month of flowers, hearts, chocolate, and all things love. There are those who like Valentine's Day and all that it brings in the form of sentiment, images, and feelings, and others who see it as a commercial vehicle to sell roses and cards. I'm somewhere in the middle, but what... Read more →
If you are not using Instagram, then please join me there when you are... If you are, please join me there now, I'd like to get to know you better! Of all the social networks that I regularly participate on, Instagram is the most satisfying AND SOCIAL. At this point in time (and I... Read more →
Dear Santa Claus, It's been a very long time since I've written a letter to you. In fact, I think my last letter was written in Crayola Crayons with silver snowflakes and gold stars on top of my trees in the perfect pine green color... Maybe you remember it? me? I asked for a... Read more →
Who or what is the "you" in your "Thank YOU!"? Perhaps it's a neighbor, coworker, spouse, friend, your health, home, your God, the Universe… Whatever or whomever motivates your gratitude, really mean it. Think it, feel it, say it, or write a thank you note! The more you say thank you for the things... Read more →
Dear Readers & Listeners: It's been a while since I've posted an Announcements, Updates, and Reminders article, but I've been working on several behind-the-blog projects and they are all finally coming together. It's time to share the news for this season! ~💗Luci ANNOUNCEMENTS New Season, New Look: Here We Are is now on a... Read more →
Share this graphic! What is going on with the negative commenting on the Internet? Is there a solution? Are typed words the new bullets we must dodge living on the Wild Wild Web? If you run a website, use social media, or comment on others' sites, then this Here We Are Talk Show podcast... Read more →
Announcement, Update, Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT On Prancer, On Vixen: Oh what a ride it has been for so many here in the northeastern USA after Hurricane Sandy! But like the wind and rain, the holiday season will not be held back. No matter what you believe in or celebrate, it's the time of the year... Read more →
Here We Are turns 4 today! In thinking about my experiences in blogging over the last four years, I realize I've learned the most about life. The technical stuff that comes with blogging, like social networking or recording radio shows is just a bunch of wires, buttons, and digital imagery that connects us. While... Read more →
Announcement, Updates, Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT Pencils Sharpened: September has come and gone... Could thirty days have already passed by? Now that the summer is a memory, and the Fall season is officially here, there is a lot of homework to do. For me, my October assignment is getting back on track with better, brighter, easier... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS A Is For Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away... But so does caring for yourself. In the midst of packing away the remnants of summer, it's a great time to shift the focus to yourself, your surroundings, and your goals. Whether you are meeting the teachers,... Read more →
Announcement, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay... Watchin' The Tide Roll Away: I hope you'll join me in making time for yourself before the end of summer. While there will be a bit less posting this month, the Here We Are readers and radio show listeners are a priority,... Read more →
Announcements, Update, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS The Songbird Sings: Whether you have a barking dog, a meowing cat, or a chirping bird, animals communicate with us. Find out how you can "hear" more of what they are telling you through Animal Communication. Join me on Sunday, July 15, at 4:30 pm EST for the Here... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Aloha!: Chick Flick Chat is back with George Clooney (hey, a girl can dream!) starring in The Descendants, and masterfully directed by Alexander Payne. Joining me to chat about this film is Guest Co-Host, Debbie Woodbury, of Where We Go Now, a popular website focusing on the many aspects... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Beauté Et Intelligence: What do you get when you mix brains with beauty and business? Business owner, Kelli Parisian of Parisian's Pure Indulgence Organic Skincare. Tune in on April 15 at 12:30 pm EST for the upcoming Here We Are Talk Show, Kelli Parisian: Pure Indulgence & Timeless Beauty.... Read more →
Make Friends With PrintFriendly To Save Paper And Ink
Shades of Chartreuse ~ The Freshly Green Tips HWA Series No matter how "paperless" our lives become, a hard copy of information is often necessary. If you are a blogger you may enjoy offering a PrintFriendly button (like the one above) to your readers. If you are a reader, you will enjoy saving paper,... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Changing Shape: If you've been wondering if yoga might be a way to get in shape, feel relaxed, and have some "me" time, then this month's Here We Are talk show is for you! Join me on Thursday, April 26, at 1:00pm EST when Kim Ellner discusses Yoga For... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Eat To Live: Searching for ways to eat better, get fit, and feel great? It isn't as hard as it sounds! Tune in on Wednesday, March 28, at 1:00pm EST for the Here We Are radio show, Ivy Larson: Clean Cuisine - It's Much More Than Recipes. After being... Read more →
By now you've heard about the latest online craze, Pinterest. But what is it and why all the sudden interest in this social media website? While I use social networking on a daily basis, I am not an expert in it, but I have had a lot of trial and error experience in the... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Reading, Writing, Romance: Do you have a passion to write? Dream of getting a book published? Join me for February's episode of the Here We Are Radio Show on February 25 at 11:00 am EST to learn how author, Ruth A. Casie, turned her dream of being published into... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS New Year, Lighter You: Hello to 2012, and good-bye to 2011! While it is technically a man-made calendar date, the start of a new year is a great time to lighten up your stresses so you can Live Your Life Out Loud every day of the year. Now is... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Trimming The Tree: The Google+ button has been hung in the sidebar at Here We Are. If you are using this new social networking resource, please add us to your circle. While it is a shiny new platform, it looks promising. I've set a holiday goal to top off... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Start With A Simmer: November got off to a slow start due to the trickster Halloween storm that caught most of us off guard, and left many without power. No heat, no lights, no phone, and no internet made for an interesting week of living "unplugged." Normally, I voluntarily... Read more →
Get the cake and candles... Here We Are turns 3 today! It's hard to believe three years has gone by since the first HWA post was published. In that time, we've grown quite a bit... When I first registered the HWA website with the blog ranking site, Technorati, HWA received a ranking placement of... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Energy Vampires: Every woman has encountered at least one of these draining monsters. Beware! They appear in all shapes and sizes disguised as friends. Stop letting them drain your blood (oops, I mean energy). Look for the upcoming Here We Are article about "toxic friends." The stats collected by... Read more →
Announcement, Update, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT The Sweet Smell of Success: Have you always wanted to live your dream? thought about following your passion? not sure how to begin? If you are a busy woman with ambitions to have your own company doing something you love, then the Here We Are Radio Show episode, Lisa... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS When The Bell Tolls: Ahh, to walk the City of Light at any time, but Midnight In Paris delivers an especially magical feast for the eyes in the movie of the summer. Join us on August 6 at 11:00 am EST for Chick Flick Chat as we discuss this... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Hitting The Jackpot: If you like to dine out & travel... And who doesn't? Then the July 12, 10:30 AM EST, Here We Are Radio Show is the show for you. Join me for The World of Las Vegas Dining: Uncovering The Best of Vegas as I interview one... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Bees 'r Buzzin': Last month, we switched it up by deciding to focus on more reviews for May, June, & July. When I checked my list of 15 items on deck for review, 4 of them are Burt's Bees products. Not all of the pending reviews are beauty products,... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Switch-er-review: During May, June, & July, Here We Are is switching gears to focus on reviews. Lately, it seems like I've been trying a lot of different products. Some items were tested specifically for reviewing and others just call out to be shared with the HWA readers. While every... Read more →
Announcements, Update, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Moving Made Easy: Typically, moving is never an easy experience... Some say it is as stressful as divorce or death! If you've been thinking about selling your home and moving during this slumping housing market, you don't want to miss this important Here We Are Radio Show topic, Moving?... Read more →
Announcement, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT Clearing The Air: Thank you to the thousands of listeners of both the Here We Are Radio Show and its spin-off show, Chick Flick Chat. In order to keep the growing list of shows under both titles manageable, we've added a separate channel on Blog Talk Radio specifically for... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Talkin' Love: February is the month when we are most likely to examine our relationships. Every one wants to find love, hold on to it, or improve it. We all have an idea of what makes or breaks a relationship. Are there universal habits, actions, and reactions than can... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Here We Are, Again: Another year has come and gone and we are given a chance to wipe the slate clean, start over, begin anew... Whatever you call it, this is the one time of year that most of us make an effort to evaluate our lives, relationships, and... Read more →
Every day is like a facet of a kaleidoscope; all the moving parts fall into place like a beautiful rainbow which only lasts a few moments. The shifting image is a natural part of the experience, without which we'd become bored. With each turn of the wheel, we hope to recreate our favorite moments... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Baked Apple Surprise: You might have noticed that it's been over a week since the last Here We Are article was posted. Since then, my Mac has decided to extend the long holiday weekend by refusing to let me in! Not sure what the issue is, but we are... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Shopping Tips For the Teen on Your List: 'Tis the season for shopping. Whether you love it, hate it, agree with it, or want to opt out altogether from the festivities...we all have to deal with it at some point every holiday season. To help make buying for the... Read more →
Water Water Everywhere, Nor Any Drop To Drink
Shades of Chartreuse - Freshly Green Tips You may recognize the title of this post from the epic poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Now imagine if it were true. It is for millions of people who walk this earth. Today is Blog Action Day 2010 featuring water, our... Read more →
Today is the second anniversary of Here We Are! I extend a heartfelt THANK YOU (yes, I'm shouting with a smile) to all of the Here We Are participants who read, subscribe, follow, friend, fan, favorite, email, comment, contribute, listen to, call in, tweet, link to, download, like, refer, recommend, and stay on this... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Mom's Choice Awards: Congratulations to Lori Sunshine, author of the popular book, I'm Really Not Tired, for receiving the Gold Seal Honor from Mom's Choice Awards. This program "recognizes authors, inventors, companies, parents and others for their efforts in creating quality family-friendly media, products, and services." While it's a... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Still Thinking Summer: Poof! Three months have floated by but summer is not over yet! This month gives us 22 days to enjoy the rest of traditional summer. As the temperature cools down a bit, we get the opportunity to get outside and make up for those extremely hot... Read more →
Announcement, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENT Chick Flick Chat Returns: Life is not simple in the hit movie, It's Complicated. Dealing with marriage, divorce, dating, kids, and career, has never been so multifaceted or confusing. Join us live for the Here We Are radio show on Saturday, August 14, at 10:30am EST, for this episode... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Let the Energy Flow: "Energy Medicine" is becoming more popular, but what exactly is it? How does one use it? Can it really heal someone? Join me live for the Here We Are radio show on Monday, July 12, at 10:00am EST, to discuss these questions and more with... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Promises of Love: Ahh, to be a June bride! This is the month when love is in the air. Doesn't it seem that weddings and celebrations are more festive? While our gardens are blooming bouquets, the summer solstice ushers in the summer season filled with promises of fun in... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, & Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS What's Your Color?: Turquoise is the 2010 Color of the Year! And it is everywhere from clothes and accessories to wallpaper, paint, and housewares. This happy color looks good on everyone - mix it with hot pink, yellow, white, or black for a clean crisp look. Not sure where... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Now is the time to allow yourself to blossom into the flower you were meant to be! ~ Luci Weston From Blossoming to Blogging: If you are thinking of expanding your creative reach with a blog there is a new book to help you begin or continue this journey.... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Spring is Coming! March 20 is the first day of spring; only three more weeks to go. You know it's been a heck of a winter when the animals are over it...The squirrel in the picture is a five inch tall baby squirrel who marched (okay, hopped and struggled)... Read more →
Announcements, Updates, and Reminders ANNOUNCEMENTS Love, Love, Love: It's the month to celebrate being in love. When we think of this, we usually think in terms of a significant other. Hallmark, Godiva, and 1-800-Flowers spend a lot of money on advertising to sell a lot of cards, candy, and flowers. Why not make this... Read more →