Takin' Care of Business, And That Business Is YOU!
It's the season of hearts and romance. And while we all love to look at the Valentine's Day decorations, eat chocolate, and enjoy the flowers that are everywhere, it's also a good time to assess how much you love numero uno. That means YOU!
This morning, I came across a quote and a thought from another Lucy... Lucille Ball, the outrageous, kooky, talented comedienne who broke boundaries and set precedents in her industry. She was a trailblazer who became a media mogul that created a world famous brand while disguised in a 50's fit-n-flare housedress. Lucille Ball made it look easy, and we know that is never the case.
Consider her invaluable words as an excellent guide to apply to your own life and business. It all starts and ends with you, and when viewed through her perspective it becomes clear how interchangeable the two really are.
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line...
You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
~ Lucille Ball
Here are a few Here We Are resources that may be of interest to you on this topic:
🌹Thoughts on another trailblazer, Janis Joplin and why putting your stamp on what you do is so important.
🌹My podcast on Loving Yourself, Part 1: What It Means, Why You Need To, And How To Start can get you going. Also, check out parts 2 and 3 to continue your journey.
🌹A simple, Two Word Tuesday, Like Yourself, that will help you every day!
Happy Valentine's Day! ~ Luci 💗
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