Two Word Tuesday #8: Avec Amour
No matter where you live on this earth, we are all forever touched by the heinous acts that pierced Paris on November 13, 2015, and with it, our hearts.
I've been sitting at my desk for a while trying to find the right words for this week's #TwoWordTuesday… The more I search, the simpler the solution seems, Avec Amour, meaning With Love.
While we may feel individually helpless, collective thoughts or prayers sent with love to The City of Light are sure to brighten the darkness for the citizens of Paris, France, and the world right now. Avec amour…
Other Information You Might Like: If you are a francophile, like me, you may enjoy these other French themed articles from Here We Are… by the way, the photo above is a poster I wake up to every day; for years it has traveled with me and continues to make me smile every morning.
For the movie lovers, listen to the Chick Flick Chat film reviews of Julie & Julia and my personal top-five-all-time-movie-pick, Midnight In Paris.
For the foodies, try my recipe for Chocolate Pots de Crème, it's so much simpler than it sounds, and you'll never go back to chocolate pudding again!
Hope you like this #TwoWordTuesday, feel free to share the picture and use the hashtag… Let me know your thoughts or tell me if a Two Word Tuesday quote helps you by emailing me or commenting below.
If you'd like to get the Two Word Tuesday posts in your in-box, please subscribe to the blog feed using the sign-up box in the sidebar and join the other Here We Are readers, thank you! ~ Luci
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