Dress The Table With An Easy-To-Make NO-Sew Tablecloth
At Thanksgiving, more than any other time of year, when hosting a dinner we think in terms of "dressing." We dress the turkey, whisk the salad dressing, dress up the buffet table, select a dress to wear, yet year after year, we put on the same tablecloth. Well no more boring old pumpkin colored fabric, it's time to add pizazz to your holiday table! It's easy to create an affordable, fun, and festive look by using this no-sew idea to make a tablecloth that will dress your table with personalized flair.
Recently, I helped a friend create this autumnal themed table for a Cuisine Club dinner. You can select any, and I mean any, fabric for your table... Only the fabric store selection and your imagination are the limit for this simple decor project. After you cook up your new easy-as-pie table design, you'll want to make one for birthday parties, New's Years Eve, Fourth of July, and any other theme event you are hosting. If you have a large dining room table, you know the retail limits on selection of color and style AND the high price points... Treat your dining room this holiday season to an updated, fresh look, faster than you can roast the turkey!
What you will need:
🎉 Unless you have a very skinny table - less than 36" wide - you will most likely need 2 pieces of fabric. NOTE: This works on any shape table: round, oval, square, rectangle. Measure the length of your table top, then add approx. 8" for the overhang; buy 2 lengths of standard 54" width fabric. $ Saving HINT: Check the remnant boxes at the fabric store; think about texture, color, and laundering ease.
🎉 An Iron and Ironing Board; damp towel
🎉 Stitch Witchery Bonding Tape (see photo at right)
🎉 Optional: straight pins, table runner
How To NO-Sew Your New Tablecloth:
1. Run a warm iron over the fabric to smooth out any fold lines
2. Prep the table with felt padding or table boards
3. Cover the table with the 2 fabric peices overlapping them down the center of the table by an inch or two. Fold "under" the salvage edge on the top layer of fabric. Optional: depending upon your centerpiece you may want to use straight pins to keep it in place. (See picture at left of folded center line.)
4. Bring the ironing board into the dining room. Set up at the end of one side of the table. You will follow along the salvage edge of the fabric in 10 to 12 inch increments, placing a strip of the Stitch Witchery bonding tape along the salvage edge and folding it over to iron the no-sew hem to the underside of the fabric. (See picture to right.) With each new section, check your work to maintain a straight line as you continue to iron. Move the ironing board along as you work your way around the length of both sides of the overhanging fabric. TIP: Using a damp towel when ironing the fabric helps adhere the bonding tape (see directions on package).
NOTE: You can do this directly on the ironing board but if it's a long length of fabric it can be cumbersome to work while keeping the edge straight. HINT: If the cut ends of the fabric may fray when washed, then bond any non-salvaged cut ends too, but be careful to keep the line straight.
The picture at left shows the bonded edge of the fabric looking at the finished hem. We did ours while the fabric was on the table (the beige area is the ironing board). It took us about 45 minutes total time to complete this tablecloth for a table that is 108" long.
Optional step: Depending on your table scape, adding a table runner, or a contrasting fabric can accentuate the decor. In the photo at right, we used a folded drape to highlight the centerpiece. TIP: A runner also hides the center line if you are using 2 widths of fabric.
BONUS INFO: Check out this article for all things entertaining including a table setting chart fit for a queen and your holiday dinner. It's loaded with better, brighter, easier tips and how-to links for you!
🎉 Remember, no matter how the table looks, it's the love you share that matters, and the gratitude... Thank you friends, thank you family, thank you Here We Are readers. ~ Luci
HASHTAG ALERT: If you use this or any of the Here We Are ideas, remember to take a picture and hashtag it on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram using: #BetterBrighterEasier -- I'd love to see it and share it! Thanks! ~ Luci
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