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After The Storm

Kim Ellner: Yoga For Fitness, Health, Focus, & More

HWA Radio Show Mic wtextThe Here We Are Talk Show presents an interview with yoga instructor, Kim Ellner: Yoga For Fitness, Health, Focus, & More

If you've been wondering if yoga might be a way to get in shape, feel relaxed, and have some "me" time, then this HWA show is for you! Whether you've never been on a yoga mat, taken a few classes, or can recite the names of your favorite poses, Kim Ellner shares insight on the many benefits of adding the practice of yoga to your health regimen. 

Learn how yoga can improve the way you feel in and about your body, while helping you find more focus. Kim, owner of Yoga West, also explains the options this ancient practice offers everyone at all levels. Listen and find a class near you... Don't miss out on benefiting your mind, your body, and your spirit. Namaste!


[The claims made about specific products or procedures on or through this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The reviews and opinions provided are for informational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. Please consult with a health-care professional before taking or administering any new product or treatment to yourself or anyone else.]

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