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This Minute!

Old alarm clock falling through red background A quick, but important reminder... 

The previous minute as well as the next one are not as important as the present moment.

~ Gregory Zeorlin, Artist

If you don't know Gregory and his artwork, you will. Allow me to introduce you to his talent, poetry, and imaginative work.

Gregory Zeorlin is an artist who is inspired by the magic, logic, chaos and order that waits to be noticed in daily life. He creates art that reflects his ideas and writes poetry as part of his creative process. What he makes is based on what is on his mind. He's made art 30' wide, as well as pieces that fit in his pocket. Lately, he has made clocks that are anything but common. His clocks become stages where he presents eclectic observations about the world we share.

Currently, Gregory's Present Moment clock (which uses the above quote) can beGregory Zeorlin Hours Seeking Art Clock found at Uncommon Goods. Here is another one of his clever quotes put to use... Remember, bright, colorful artwork with a purpose makes a perfect gift for a busy person!


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Luci Weston

@Donna Maria: I agree! I say this quote and knew I had to share it. It's a great saying to help keep the important things in focus, especially because we all seem to be so busy these days.

Donna Maria Coles Johnson

Super reminder. Taking a deep breath now. Breathing in the wonder and beauty of a Sunday afternoon. Thanks for the simplicity of this important message, right here in this minute!

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