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Moving? The "Must Do's & Don'ts" of Staging and Selling A Home

Microphone for BTR showsCLICK HERE to Listen to the Here We Are Radio Show episode, Moving? The "Must Do's & Don'ts" of Staging & Selling A Home with Real Estate and Home Staging Expert, Susan Devane, CEO of Moving Mavins.

If you are thinking about selling your home, or you have the overwhelming task of moving a senior family member, this is the show for you...

First, Susan walks us through important Must Do's & Don'ts of staging and selling a house with clear direction, specific advice, and helpful suggestions for getting it all done. Learn how to "see your own home," keep money in your pocket, give your house universal appeal, and implement safeguards.

Next, she shares the unique Moving Mavins process of relocating an elderly family member with dignity. Find out how her company handles this difficult and often, emotional transitional phase to obtain a smooth, successful moving experience for all involved. 

Selling a house is a business decision for you and your family. You need every advantage in today's slumping economy and Real Estate market. No matter where you are in the moving cycle, this show will give you a new perspective on your house, AND a checklist that will save you time, money, and stress!

We hope you enjoyed this content brought to you by Better Brighter Easier - Creator of ROOMIGATOR®️ The Natural Neutralizer.

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Luci Weston

@Home Staging NY: True... And the show elaborates your point and how important it is to get the house ready. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort, but first impressions can mean all the difference when it comes to selling.

Home Staging New York

If you are planning to sell your house you must first make sure that your house is in good condition and will look good to the buyers this is one of the reasons why property owners do home staging before selling their house or property.

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