A Quote To Streamline Your Life
POLL: Where & What Will You "Declutter" This Fall?

September: Back To Reality

Announcements, Updates, and Reminders

Multicolored floating bubbles ANNOUNCEMENTS

Still Thinking Summer: Poof! Three months have floated by but summer is not over yet! This month gives us 22 days to enjoy the rest of traditional summer. As the temperature cools down a bit, we get the opportunity to get outside and make up for those extremely hot dog days of 2010.

Before your bubble bursts with back-to-school and holiday demands, remember the Here We Are motto of T.I.M.E. = It's All About YOU. Plan one more BBQ, lounge on the deck with a magazine, get a grip on your garden, and breathe the fresh air. Can't do it all? Pick one and you'll feel better for it.

Following Your Gut: Ever have that "feeling" that something isn't right? Maybe a sense comes over you that you just can't explain, but your gut says, "Do it!" or "Get out of here!" That's your intuition talking to you. We've all experienced it, but what exactly is it and how can we learn to recognize it in our daily lives? Join me for the Here We Are Radio Show, Wednesday, September 15, at 11:30 AM for Intuition: Intuit Through It Using This Important Sixth Sense!  My talented guest, Cyndy DiBeneditto, Lightworker, Spirit Medium, and Psychic Intuitive, will answer these questions to help us learn how to maximize what our "gut" is telling us. 



Getting Your Grill On: Last month, the recipe for Grilled Salmon: Fast, Healthy, and Easy generated a lot of comments, emails, and even a few phone calls. TIP 1: Don't underestimate the amount of fruit needed, more is better to seal in juices. TIP 2: I recommended the pickled ginger for three reasons:

  1. It is ready to go, i.e., thinly sliced right out of the jar... e-a-s-y!
  2. The flavor is sweeter and more mild than freshly grated ginger, which can overpower the salmon.
  3. The thin slices vs. freshly grated ginger, along with the fruit, work to cover the fish maintaining its moisture. You won't need to add fat (e.g., oil, yogurt).

The "Going Green" Poll Results: It looks like everyone is trying in whatever way possible to live a little greener and cleaner! As of today, almost 75% of the votes went to 3 of the 7 options listed below. Thank you to everyone who participated. After almost three months, HWA readers tied first and second place at 25% each for answering the question of How Green Are You? with the following options

  • Changing my cleaning products from the "traditional" store brands to ones with "old-fashioned" natural ingredients
  • Recycling, reusing, and re-purposing anything I get my hands on.

Third place came in narrowly behind at 23% for

  • Cutting back on electrical use by unplugging appliances and gadgets when not in use.

Giving Gifts: The July gift, a hardcover copy of Second Chance by Jane Green goes to HWA email subscriber and commenter, Janine N. Congrats, and thank you to everyone for your comments.

Uh Oh! I did it again... I forgot to tell you about the book for the August gift; it's a hardcover of Sandcastles by Luanne Rice. It goes out to Bose; again, thank you to all for the comments throughout the summer. It seems we need a better, brighter, and easier system for keeping track of the HWA gift giveaways! My apologies. In the meantime, we'll skip the September gift and get back on track in the October Announcements, Updates, & Reminders article.


Lose The Old Lipsticks: As the summer winds down, now is a great time of year to go through your lipstick/lip-gloss collection. Starting today, wear a different color each day. Recycle the colors that are more than 2 years old and/or don't work well on you. Be green and bring them to any Origins store/counter, it doesn't matter what brand you have in your collection, they accept all types and brands of cosmetic packaging in their Return To Origins Recycling Program! WOW!! What a program! BONUS: By the first day of fall, your lipstick collection will be streamlined and you will know what you need for the new season. NOTE: While you are at it, throw out old make-up sponges, and sunscreens that are past the "best used by" date.

Enjoying Avocados: Now is the time to enjoy avocados before the peak season ends. Avocados are nutritious and handy helpers in the kitchen. From spicy guacamole to sandwich spreads, these green goodies do it all. TIP: If you hesitate to buy them because in the past they ripened and turned brown before you could use them, fret no more... Put them in the fridge as soon as they begin to darken and soften to the touch. This will extend their shelf life up to 3 days (uncut, of course).

Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!

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