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Energy Medicine: The How, What, & Why of this Holistic Healing Method

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CLICK HERE to listen to the "Energy Medicine" episode on the Here We Are radio show.

The use of "Energy Medicine" is becoming more popular, but what exactly is it? How does one use it? And why is it different than massage, acupuncture, or reiki? 

We are all made up of "energy" and if it's flowing the wrong way, or clogged up, you are not operating at your full potential. In this show, you'll learn from my guest, Energy Healer, Marie-Christine Lochot, about this powerful holistic healing method and how it can help you. Her explanations and examples will make you say, "Aha, I get it now and I'll give it a try!"

There is a lot more than flipping a switch to feeling better and Energy Medicine offers a non-pharmaceutical option to our pill popping society. This amazing, natural process may just be the answer you've been searching for to feel better, work at optimal capacity, and cruise through your day without dimming out too soon. Tap into your own natural resource today!

Marie-Christine Lochot is Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, as well as Sports Massage. She has a successful private practice, Massage Montclair, in NJ, where she has helped hundreds of clients since 1994. In 2002, she began studying Energy Medicine with renowned Energy Healer, Donna Eden. Marie-Christine later became one of Donna Eden's teaching assistants, offering Energy Medicine workshops, which lead to her own thriving practice in Energy Medicine.

[The claims made about specific products or procedures on or through this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The reviews and opinions provided on this show are for informational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. Please consult with a health-care professional before taking or administering any new product or treatment to yourself or anyone else.]

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