Open House Tips: Top Twelve Free To-Do's Before A Showing
Spring and Summer 2010 Wardrobe Do's For Fashionable Fun

Celebrating Mom

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms, Aunts, & Grandmas making a difference in someones life!

Spring flower arrangement

Sooner or later we all quote our mothers. ~ Bern Williams

Isn't this the truth? Mine is, "Stop complaining and start doing." What's the phrase or quote you hear yourself repeating?

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Luci Weston

@Ruth: Both are great quotes, and worthy of repeating. Sounds like your Mom knew a thing or two about Karma.

@Bose: Classic!


While looking for something (which you CANNOT find).... "If it was a snake it would have bitten you - it's right there!"

Ruth Seitelman

There are two:
"You can be or do anything you want if you put your mind to it." Usually said while giving you a hug.

"I don't wish him/her anything bad, I just want to hear about it when it happens." This was always followed by a good belly laugh which made me wonder what her real intent was, hmmmm.

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