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Autumn Leaves: Colorful Reminders

Autumn yellow leaves

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~ Albert Camus

Savor the next thirty-nine days of autumn...Enjoy the orange, burgundy, and yellow leaves as they delicately swirl past your window, breathe the fresh air, bite into a crisp apple, plant your mums.

Today, my friend, RayDeen, posted a note on her Facebook wall. She is asking for prayers for her childhood friend, Lisa, who is losing her fight with cancer.

As I sat at my desk watching the leaves dance, her message once again reminded me to be grateful for every day and the simple moments that make them special. I share this personal moment with you in hopes that it will serve as a welcome reminder in your life, too.

RayDeen, may many thoughts and prayers find you, Lisa, and her family.

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Luci Weston

@Janine: On behalf of RayDeen and Lisa, thank you. It pleases me to hear the entry inspired you.

Janine N

My thoughts are with Lisa as well as RayDeen...sorry to hear about both women.

I am taking your words to heart and trying each day to be grateful for what is around me, no matter how simple.

Luci Weston

@Ching Ya: Thank you for your kind words and the prayers for Lisa. Since publishing this entry, I learned that RayDeen suffered a terrible accident. As a result, she has undergone serious surgery...my heart aches for both women. Prayers, kind thoughts, and good wishes will go a long way for both ladies.

Ching Ya

A beautiful message, yet saddened by the news about Lisa. Will pray for her and tweet about this, hopefully more people can learn about the precious of life while being a little bit more grateful for everything they have in life. Bless you Luci. *hugs*

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