A Moment of Zen
September: The Setting Sun of Summer

Chick Flick Chat: "Julie & Julia"

Chick Flick Chat Mic "Cooking is not a chore; it's a joy!" ~ Julia Child, 1912-2004, Chef, TV Host, Author -- Mastering The Art of French Cooking

Please CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode of Chick Flick Chat featuring the movie, "Julie & Julia."

We peeled off the layers like an onion with this film! Meryl Streep transforms herself into the famous cooking maven, Julia Child, as smooth as creme brulee. In this Oscar worthy performance, you will forever see her version of this trailblazing, motivated woman.

If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It is an interesting approach to the life and times of Julia Child, focusing on her long lasting impact on other women, society, and how we look at food. While this sounds very serious, you do leave the theater smiling!

Bon appetit!

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Luci Weston

Thanks Kim! It is a terrific film. Well acted (do we expect anything else from Meryl Streep?) and directed. Plus, as a blogger, you will totally appreciate Amy Adams' character Julie.

Let me know your thoughts after you see the film, and tune into Chick Flick Chat. We dished and diced this one up!


Hi Luci! I haven't seen Julie & Julia but really want to. I love your blog, will try to tune into Chic flick chat soon!

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